Saturday, 15 September 2012

Very Funny creative and interesting story

 ካብ ጉይይ ምውዓል ክሳድ  ምሓዝ  ድዩ ዝብሃል: The contextual translation for the proverb implies one needs to find the best alternative to do his task rather than baffling and babbling  in finding the right way to say. In order to exprience the proverb one does not need to go somewhere else but to read and grasp the story below.


Thursday, 13 September 2012

Enjoy ZEMA ቅዳሴ


How to watch Benedict XVI's visit to Lebanon live

How to watch Benedict XVI's visit to Lebanon live  

 The Pope is visiting Beirut

      The pope is visiting Lebanon, Beirut starting from Friday 14/09/2012. We all know the Middle East is very volatile region with one of the longest historic rival between the Jews and the Arabs. On the other hand I see this place as a blessed area, though this is my personal, many people I met agree to this issue to some extent. I said blessed because the three major religions namely: Christianity, Judaism and Islam were originated there. I personally have an opinion that practicing religion or certain super natural creed helps human being to have meaningful life,

    I do hope the pope will leave his legacy and contributes to the peace process in the Middle East. I have a great appreciation to his predecessor John Paul II, who was a bridge builder to the Muslim world. In continuation of the late blessed John Paul 2 effort, to make the world a place where human being regardless their religion or creed to live peacefully side by side, the holly father Benedict XVI will meet  Muslim leaders in addition to his guidance to the Christians .

Fellow the link to watch the pope’s visit live coverage. 

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Game Makers

                  Game Makers 


    The Olympic and Paralympics of London 2012 has left a legacy for generation. Thanks to many athletes who come from all over the world and most importantly the local unpaid 70.000 volunteers who are named as Game Makers. The volunteers made the game easy to enjoy. There were drivers, guiders, providers of information to guests and played many other important role to make London 2012 Olympic and Paralympics one of the most prolific event in the Olympic history. The volunteers were known by their purple uniform and they were from different walk of life. It is worthy of knowing that volunteering is all about having pride in your community. those volunteering people showed us whatever your abilities, and  however much or little time you have to spare , there is always something you can do if you have the passion and commitment.  The Sun news paper has mentioned, by asking to the volunteers, some of the benefiting of volunteering. Below are the top five benefits of helping out.
·        A sense of satisfaction from seeing the result/ 97per cent/
·        Enjoyment /96 per cent/
·        A  sense of personal  achievement /88 per cent/
·        Meeting people and making new friends/ 86 per cent
·        A chance to do something you are good at/ 83 per cent/

As Davis Smith the chief executive of volunteering England said   “London 2012 has made volunteering cool and it is time to use that to make our community better”
Let us pay back to our respective community the time and skill we have .

Unsung hero and martyr

  Unsung hero and martyr

     “ If no one told you today that they love you, let me tell you: I love you, and no matter what mess you're in, you're always held and loved by God." Fr. Mychal Judge

     There are many heroes who have contributed to this world an incredible contribution to the wellbeing of the society.  When we say heroes, it could be in different ways and means. Every one of us have his /her own hero who have influenced or changed his /her life or gives us the platform to understanding our faith, passion or  our life in general.
The world has witnessed a tragedy of 9/11 in America where innocent civilians become the victims of unprecedented terror act. Those people who were in the Twin Towers were doing their normal routine life and their family at home waited them to come back when they finish their work. However that terrible action cost thousand life of mums, dads brothers, sisters and uncles, aunts,,, etc.
The good things is ,our planet is not only inhabited by villains but also people with great dedication to make this planet as safe as possible and ready to give and put  their lives to save the life of other fellow citizens . I would like to mention some of the heroes of 9/11 who worked hard to save the life of the victims of the attack, among them are the fire-fighters. A lot has been said about their bravery and dedication. I believe they really deserve respect and gratitude.  
    However I want to pay tribute to the unsung hero of  9/11, Father MYCHAL Judge. He is a Franciscan priest and I feel a bit close to him as I grew up in the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor. Father Mychal was a busy Franciscan priest who dedicated his life serving God's people. He is known for his work with the homeless, recovering addicts, Aids patients, and his work as Chaplain to the New York City fire Department. On September 11, 2001, Father Mychal rushed from the Friary at Saint Francis of Assisi church to the scene of the World Trade Center attacks. After administering last rites to a firefighter, he was hit by debris and killed.  Like the fire-fighters he knew the dangers of his work but did not turn his back to those people who really need him. 
  God bless our unsung hero/ martyr, Father Mychal Judge .

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Passion or determination

Is it passion or determination?
       If you are passionate and very keen at doing things there is always way to do it.  They say “if there is a will there is a way”. Sometime this saying seems only just a wise word that only applies to those people who claim they have been successful but began from scratch. I went to city centre the other day and saw a bunch of young people who play music passionately not because they have got wonderful musical instruments but they have a wonderful enthusiasm and really enjoy what they were doing. There is no best thing other than doing what you want to do and enjoying it immensely. I hope the clip below will show you how those remarkable young people were enjoying their play. It is not what you have but what you can have if you do to achieve


Tuesday, 4 September 2012


I remember one time to ask to my parish priest what does a purgatory mean in a simple and biblical way, I am sure he did his best to explain to me in a way he thinks I can understand it. The main reason I asked was , I did not have much knowledge apart from  what  my mum, my mum is the sole and basic  teacher of me in religious and many other great ideas,  told me about it, so I want to know, shall I say it intellectual way. I know to believe this kind of mysterious  concept should not be based on some human intellect.Saying that it would not be a bad idea to look for explanation that helps to make your believe as concert as possible. I find this link helpful to understand what purgatory exactly mean.

Monday, 3 September 2012

BIBLE Verses about Wisdom

                          15 Popular Bible Verses About Wisdom
   Why do I sometimes love to extract. It could be out of laziness or I love short notes to suite me read effectively. Thus I love extracting some portion of a book or an article. We owe to those people who spent their time , energy and skill to make our reading easy and enjoyable. 

  "And to man He said, 'Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; And to depart from evil is understanding.”
Job 28:28 
Ø The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7 
Ø Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and turn away from evil. Proverbs 3:7 
Ø Through presumption comes nothing but strife, But with those who receive counsel is wisdom.
Proverbs 13:10 
Ø The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way, But the folly of fools is deceitProverbs 14:8 
Ø He whose ear listens to the life-giving reproof Will dwell among the wise. Proverbs 15:31 
Ø Listen to counsel and accept discipline, That you may be wise the rest of your days. Proverbs 19:20 
Ø A fool always loses his temper, But a wise man holds it back. Proverbs 29:11 
Ø The rod and reproof give wisdom, But a child who gets his own way brings shame to his mother. Proverbs 29:15 
Ø The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, And his tongue speaks justicePsalm 37:30 
Ø Behold, Thou dost desire truth in the innermost being, And in the hidden part Thou wilt make me know wisdom. Psalm 51:6 
Ø But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5 
Ø But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. James 3:17 
Ø Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 1 Corinthians 1:25 
Ø But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption1 Corinthians 1:30


Wisdom for children

     Wisdom to children and young people
       This world is now not how much physical force do you have but what skill do you have to make the people on your side. This short story for children will tell us how persuasion could be more important than  the physical appearance. It is the right time to show our kids wisdom is very valuable  asset in this violent world. even it is not too late for us adults to gain some skill for our life as we are struggling to cope with the work and dynamics of our planet.  The holly books says “The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way, But the folly of fools is deceit.
Children enjoy the story and learn from it!! 

IS IT ME OR.................

                             Have a look at both the clip and  manual demonstration with a little tip from my experience. 



                                     THE CLIP

OR manual demonstration 

Is it me or?
      Is it me or there are other bunch of people who could not be careless to learn how to make their tie. I could consider myself naive not to bother   to have basic knowledge to make my tie.  When I was in Eritrea, I knew a guy who was a top government official  who could not make his tie and I used to make a mock out of him because he always come to my auntie in order to make his tie. At that time I was not that much interested to know the tie things as it was not, I think, a necessary thing to my daily activity. To be honest, as a kid or young person it was not my stuff really. I was happy to wear my jeans or any other casual dress as there was no anyone to bother how I dress. It was cool and normal to dress as I wish.
   Later on when I started to be part of the Judiciary department of my country, though it was not a must do rule, things have changed. This is because my clients are those people who have the perception of dressing code. They came to the court of Law where I work dressing like the CEO, and me the young graduate with not sufficient salary struggled to cope their dressing presentation. It was at that point that I decided to buy a suite and a tie. I remember going to the shop I usually do my shopping for clothes and ask the shop woman to give me a suit that suits me ,as I was very skinny little boy who just come out from the university with law degree and fights to be part of the elite. I call elite because; it was my perception at that time, going to the court of laws was for some people who are extraordinary. Though it turn out the other way when I meet the people who were there. The real elites were those people who have the guns and wanted us to be their instruments to abuse the law to their interest. There was a moment of laugh and sarcasm from the shop keepers as they were not used to see me buy such kind of cloth, though I was very loyal customer of theirs.
   When I bought the tie , there comes another puzzle to be solved that is how to make a tie. The time that I used to mock the other  government official come to me and I have to go to my auntie to ask her make my tie and she did her part to tease me  as she perfectly knew my guilty side to that poor guy. From that time onward I started to put my readymade tie on my cab board so that I will not have any hassle to make it. The bad thing of this readymade tie policy has lasted in a disastrous side effect. I am not yet able to make tie till now. I remember when I took readymade ties to my wedding preparation room as I was not confident my best men ,could be craps, like me to that task. As I feared, it turned out that they are same like me who do not bother to know how to make a tie.
I have not settled yet and still depend on someone to help to make my tie. The good thing is I do not have to go to my auntie, but there is another one who does it for me: have you guessed who might be that person? Who else do you expect?  My wife, God bless her.  I am planning to learn to do it: I usually prefer to learn things alone on my own rather than people physically standing infront of me and telling me to do this and that. I sometimes convince myself in order to comfort my ego, had the internet  had being an easy access as it  is now I would have done easily in short period of time. It is still never too late.     
  The photo and clip below may help. So let us pray to do it before Christmas as I am now wearing ties on special occasions rather than the usual time when I used to do while I was in the court room.  


Saturday, 1 September 2012

Usian Bolt can play football too.

We all know Usian Bolt is the fastest man in the planet though, I sometime , hesitate how on earth do we say that because I believe there could be another person who do not get the chance to be tested  somewhere in the remote village of Africa or Asia who do not have the access to participate in the Olympic games. However this wold is a matter of recognition and certification thus we are restricted to accept the fact in hand. In addition to his fast run skill he has got the skill to play football. There is even a specualtion by small football pundits that   he is planning to sign to Manchester United as he is a die hard fun of the club. check the link below to see what football skill he has.

My parish Priest hero of the community

        I am really humbled and feel proud to see my parish priest  to be recognized  as a hero in helping the weak and the disadvantages. Father Jim has been a tremendous person in organizing an intercultural community and devoted his time to good pastoral work and providing help and assistance to those who really need the support. We the Eritrean Catholic Community in Birmingham are very blessed to have him as a parish priest. To appreciate his work the Birmingham mail has hailed him as a hero which is a good testimony to his hard work. I feel it is a nice way to show our solidarity by visiting the link to witness what he has done to those people who really need the help. Father Jim has also played a great role in the developing and integrity of  the Eritrean catholic community in Birmingham. I am sure Father Jim is always in our heart and prayer. For that reason ,I decided to post the link in my blog in recognition of his well deserved honor.

The Truth is the Truth and there is no compromise



     Have we ever being in the middle of crossroads to decide?  What to do or to speak when certain issues are raised. We are living in a world where the term compromise is very abundant. Of course life is full of compromise and tolerance. Tolerance is one of the most important skills of life.  But how far do we go? Do we have a limit what and what not to compromise in our daily activity?  I am not against doing compromise or showing some understanding in order to go on well with people around us. I am; on the other hand, want to be a person who has a solid position who does not shift his core principle just to make people happy although I wish I can do it. But life is only to please everyone but to do the right thing.  I also feel compromise is not only to speak in order to show your conformity but also when  we silence the truth by keep our mouth shut  eventhoug we know what the truth is or what should be said.

Below is a link Pope Benedict tells the faithful: The Truth is the Truth and there is No Compromise.