Monday, 27 August 2012

The State of Wadya and Olympics

   The supreme leader has decided an Olympic game always to be held in Wadiya
   For those who have watched the film The Dictator, the clip below will show you  how the real Wadiya looks like  and for those  who have not yet watch the film, it is a kind of a must watch film to understand how dictators operate to sustain in power. Freedom, human right, free speech even life is nothing for those who solely think for their selfish interest: POWER.
   To come to my topic, the very loyal people of Wadiya/ Eritrea/ are being extorted to betray their beloved country just to play the stupid action of Olympics and other international sportive activist. No one has ever thought to betray their well treated country except according to the supreme leader, some puppets of CIA and sell-outs of the envious neighbouring state Ethiopia. Due to uncontrolled escape of the Wadiya athletes the supreme leader is now forced to announce all Olympic or any other international sport to be only held in Wadya. This noble decision has been taken after the supreme leader has made his discretionary option for the good purpose of the state of Wadiya. The supreme leader understands and know very well what is best for the state of Wadiya, that is why he does not need to consult national assemble  which has not been in office since the supreme leader decided, it is not important to national interest.
      The state of Wadiya cannot afford to lose its subjects whenever they go abroad to compete for sports. There is enough exodus of its citizens fleeing by crossing the border, although the supreme leader, has order a shoot to kill policy to anyone who tries to cross the border in order to escape the holly and undisputed authority of the supreme leader.
   The supreme leader reached into this conclusion knowing the enemies of the Wadiya state are searching any accusation to undermine the progress made by the super nation in the world. It is the secret of the market that the state of Wadiya has no constitution. The people of Wadiya except some traitors and defeatists are saying, “Why we need a constitution while we have the supreme leader who can legislate the needed regulation and delete unnecessary laws if important at his pleasure. After all the British do not have a constitution but in order to deceive and mislead the world they say “they have unwritten constitution.” The supreme leader is ready to challenge any one who dares to say I am more capable of reading the law than him. Some states have unwritten constitution and Wadiya has a constitution stored in the mind of the supreme leader. By the way what is the difference between unwritten constitution and a constitution stored in a mind of a superman?
  Therefore by the power vested upon him the supreme leader has come into conclusion that the Wadiya state will ,from on, host its own kind of Olympic. No Rio de Janeiro, no London, Rome or Atlanta , but always the capital city of Wadiya Asmara. No one has the power or right to challenge the decision of the supreme leader and if he dares to do so he knows what to expect. Let alone to human being the supreme leader is preparing to question the rule of the nature. To let the world know  the supreme leader has come up with a theory that goes on saying “ had God have spent more than six days to make the world he would have done a greater job.”  Thus the supreme leader says “He should not have rested on the seventh day.”
Below is a clip on how the Supreme leader outlined the future Olympics to be held in Wadiya. Enjoy!! 

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