Saturday, 1 September 2012

The Truth is the Truth and there is no compromise



     Have we ever being in the middle of crossroads to decide?  What to do or to speak when certain issues are raised. We are living in a world where the term compromise is very abundant. Of course life is full of compromise and tolerance. Tolerance is one of the most important skills of life.  But how far do we go? Do we have a limit what and what not to compromise in our daily activity?  I am not against doing compromise or showing some understanding in order to go on well with people around us. I am; on the other hand, want to be a person who has a solid position who does not shift his core principle just to make people happy although I wish I can do it. But life is only to please everyone but to do the right thing.  I also feel compromise is not only to speak in order to show your conformity but also when  we silence the truth by keep our mouth shut  eventhoug we know what the truth is or what should be said.

Below is a link Pope Benedict tells the faithful: The Truth is the Truth and there is No Compromise.

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